Vital Signs: Emerald People Utility District

Sponsor:  University of Oregon

Team: Alison Kwok with ARCH 4/507 class: Alfredo Fernandez-Gonzales, Wendy Fujinaka, Mark Chenchin, Bettina

The Emerald People’s Utility District, EPUD, is a publicly-owned utility interested in energy conservation and renewable sources for generation. Two architecture firms: Equinox Design, Inc. and Group Architects & Planners, in addition to a daylighting consultant from the University of Oregon, were brought together to collaborate on the design of EPUD’s new headquarters. The building’s design combines several energy conservation strategies such as the integration of daylight with electric light, passive cooling, and supplementary passive heating. A seminar class of graduates and undergraduates of the University of Oregon conducted an investigation of this building during the winter 10 week term. The class focused on thermal comfort and daylighting. Our hypotheses stated that thermal comfort during the winter is sacrificed by the thermal mass strategies used in the building; and that the daylight integrated electric lighting system functions as designed by evenly distributing the light and providing occupant satisfaction. To evaluate the building, the class divided into two teams: thermal comfort group and lighting group. Each group developed a set of inquiry questions.

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EPUD Revisited: A Post Occupancy Analysis of Thermal and Daylight Design Implementaion